“Bounty Lady” (My盛 Lady) is a 2013 modern drama produced by TVB
and starring Dayo Wong, Kate Tsui, Sharon Chan and other actors. The drama is
about Heung Kwong-nam (Dayo Wong), a public relation expert, being famous as a
savior, helping single ladies to find a boyfriend and have a happy marriage. The
female protagonist, Sing Fa-lui (Kate Tsui) is a new account officer, who
misconceives Kwong-nam and his team as lazy and irresponsible. In the drama,
both Kwong-nam and Fa-lui tried to help their clients, unmarried ladies, to
have happy marriage.
The reason why I chose this
drama is because it raised many people’s attention, attracted them to watch TV
drama again and discussed about the drama on the internet when it has been
screened on TV. People noticed not only about the acting skills of Dayo Wong,
but also the situation of ladies unable to get married in the drama and also in
the reality. Another reason which I noticed about this drama is the
stereotyping of male and female presented in the drama.
In “Bounty
Lady”, there are few cases of females seeking help from Kwong-nam and they are
presented as having many weaknesses. For example, the first client Judy (May Chan),
although she is well-educated, kind and wealthy as her father is the chief of a
village, she cannot get a boyfriend because she is overweight. Later she was
jealous about Fa-lui, who is thin and beautiful, and taught by Kwong-nam that
she must lose some weight in order to have a good boyfriend. Audiences are
willing to accept certain values which females have to be slim in order to find
true love without questioning. Apart from Judy, other ladies such as Yam Mo Lin
(a boyish policewoman), Windy (an author who persuades other females to remain
single) are presented as rude, having a lot of bad habits and not deserve to
have a boyfriend until the end of the drama. But the drama implies the final
message: every woman needs to have a partner and get married otherwise she cannot
have true happiness.
Apart from women, men are also stereotyped in the drama. It is so
obvious that not only the women in the drama, but also the audiences, see
Kwong-nam as the ‘savior’ of unmarried women. Although he shown as lazy and
having fun all night at the beginning of the drama, he can always help females
to find true love and shows that he is serious in helping them solving love problems.
However, other male characters are seen as not masculine enough as they are
weak, jobless, obeying lover’s unreasonable commands and other weaknesses.
This drama is able to be famous because most of audiences, Hong Kong
people, shared same memories as the number of unmarried Hong Kong ladies is
growing these years and sometimes their behavior are considered as
unacceptable. When we mention about Hong Kong ladies, we often think about
females who are greedy or treating their boyfriends badly. When we watch the
drama, we can easily find the relations between the drama and the reality, such
as Paula (Toby Leung), she is a greedy woman who ask people to pay more wedding
gift money, which is an irony of the “$500 Hong Kong lady”, who posted about
asking for not less than $500 of wedding gift money on her facebook page.
in all, the drama further strengthened the stereotype of women, asking them to
be gentle, slim and beautiful while the image of men is degraded and presented
as weak and not masculine. Also audiences can decode the drama as getting
married is the only way for women to gain happiness.
(615 words)
Chan Ying Tung (Irene) 10487584 (21233765)
Chan Ying Tung (Irene) 10487584 (21233765)
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