Thursday 17 April 2014

Online Review: Hong Kongers’ memory and Identities in Eason Chan’s Song – “The Main Theme” (2013)

“The Main Theme”(主旋律) is one of the song in Eason Chan’s music album “The Key” released in July, 2013. Its lyric is written by Siu Hak. Superficially, it is a love song describing the change of relationship of a couple during their love journey and the difficulties they have to face when they are finding way to maintain a harmonious relationship.

I choose this song because it is not only a love song about two normal people, but it contains many symbols which mirrored the situation of Hong Kong. There are lots of interpretation saying that the song is in fact representing Hong Kongers’ accused of being repressed of expression  the Hong Kong and Central government.

There are two words appears frequently in the songs, melody(旋律), love(愛).

The Chinese word “旋律” is having two meaning,the first one is about music, which is means the melody of  a song. In this song’s topic, it had been interpreted as “theme” which is a derivation meaning of the original one. Therefore, the word can be seen as the official intention.

The Chinese word “愛" mean “love”.  As said before, the whole song is about the changing of relationship of a couple, which is actually representing China and Hong Kong.

The whole song is divided into the past, now, and future three parts.


你要我讓步 我要你讓步

This paragraph is said “Crying in the most important part / an episode of an era”. It is represented the 89 Democracy Movement which is a really bad memory in Hong Kong people mind. The next paragraph is describing the conflict between government and the public, however, the official had covered up the anger of the crowd.

動人樂譜 為求定好 相愛的新去路
旋律 怎制定 量度
人心 總有陰險磊落

昨日 你每個逗號 明日 我每個問號
難合譜 如流螢亂舞

現在 你大業鴻圖 然後 我樂極迷途
再相遇 為何情仇互報
現在 你賜予任務 然後 我受命如奴
再爭辯 和諧無路訴

The first one sentence mirrors  the official use some beautiful words to make a good relationship between public and the government, but when people still do not believe, since they questioned about the honesty of the official. These make argument and conflict. And the last four sentences is describing the situation that Hong Kongers is facing. China get the economic power and controlling Hong Kong economy because of the  profit bought from individual travel scheme. The society is not harmony.

Woo~Ho Woo~Ho 相愛的新角度
Woo~Ho Woo~Ho 讓旋律沉重發佈
Woo~Ho Woo~Ho 相愛的新國度
Woo~Ho Woo~Ho 讓旋律沉澱了再洗腦

The last part of the song is the predicted future of Hong Kong, which is the result of China policies is implement to Hong Kong and people are giving up to rebel.

In conclusion, the song is first recalling the collective memory of Hong Kongers and their threats of losing the freedom of press and being brainwashing. They are afraid that Hong Kongers’ identities would be blurred if the Central government started to implement related policies to Hong Kong. For example, the Basic Law Article 23 and Moral and National Education policy. Thus, people are identified with the song.


Chan Lo Wan (10479751/21233738)

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