Thursday, 17 April 2014

Blooming – the recurrent motifs in Yan Yan Mak’s works


       I always find the cover of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing interesting, not just the painting, but also the words. And it is obviously that the drawing, The Key of Dreams, is troubling the conventional descriptions and the notion of definitions of things, i.e. a horse is being re-named as the door; the wind is now representing the clock. 
In the structured language system, each word has its corresponding meaning of what it has been named. Likewise, in the world of signification, every object can be viewed as a sign, and all signs have contained the signifier and the signified, which is the ‘presence’ that represents a sound-image and a concept. 
Yet, there is always a gap between seeing and understanding, on the ground that there is no objective facts, only subjective interpretations. The gap is thus where a meaning being constructed, maintained, disrupted and reorganized by the author and the reader. Accordingly, the meaning of a sign becomes moldable, fluid, and indeterminable; a creation, so to speak. 
After watching a few music videos that directed by Yan Yan Mak, I found those visible constructions in her works very attractive, unique as well. It is a creation that intentionally communicates with the audience, in which a value has been presented. 

The below are the music videos that I watched: 

Blooming – You are the protagonist of your life

        Sun, light, the natural and neutral visual elements in the world, which are everywhere and available enough for anyone to use; even, thanks for the technology, they are now able to be reproduced. The usage or creation of them is thus become personal. User is exercising power over them, and to personalize them. By then, the representation is a sight, and meaning is encoded to the object or idea by the sender, which opens to decoding and interpretations.

        What I received from those music videos is the message that ‘I am the protagonist of my life’. It is not common to capture the singer as the only character in a music video. Rather, it is more likely to see other actors play the act. Yet, Yan Yan Mak presents us the former. Mak is not just shoots Hocc throughout the video, but also boldly directs Hocc to look straight to the camera. It is like a statement, and the attitude is clear and strong: ‘I own the stage of my life’. 

The way that Mak represents the sun and light strengthens the idea. (And of course there are images that help to reinforce the message, such as walking on the rail, driving, releasing the butterflyand the burst of water compartments. But I will skip here.)
By placing Hocc in between of the light, the sun is blooming behind Hocc, which shining on her face and in our eyes.

Words: 483

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