Friday 20 April 2012

Online Review: Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You (流浪漢世界盃) 2009

        <Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You> (流浪漢世界盃) is a gospel inspirational movie which was inspired by a true story, produced by The Media Evangelism Limited (影音使團) and directed by Adrian Kwan (關信輝). There is a legend that everyone is in fact a ‘prince’ or a ‘princess’ but has been ravaged and devoured by the Devil of the Night making them destitute, despair of hope and without a home. In the following part, I will discuss the stereotyping of vagrants and the genre of gospel inspirational movie.
        Lantern Street is a place that represented the meaning of oblivion. At night, there are many different vagrants sleep here, the time seems stop at that moment and isolate from the outside world. However, ‘God never shuts one door but he opens another!’, one ardent social worker – Cheung Kin-tung (acted by Eric Suen) was influenced by an old priest that Cheung would like to spend his whole life to save those vagrants. In order to light the vagrants’ heart, he convenes different vagrants to form a football team and join the first ‘Vagrants’ World Cup’. However, he faced many difficulties and the team was nearly disintegrated. But, Cheung never gives up and he touches those vagrants. Finally, they went to Germany and joined the World Cup.
        In the movie, there is a sentence impressed me a lot which was said by an old vagrant, “once you slept on the street/ were a salted fish, you must sleep on the street/ being a salted fish in the whole life and no one will take compassion on you”. Nowadays, there are many people give up those vagrants, even though they will wear a color lens to treat them and call them as rubbish. Actually, they faced a lot of setbacks in their ‘first half’, but no one is going to help them. Moreover, everyone has a stereotyping that once they got mistakes, they cannot turn back. However, this is not true. After I watched the movie, I found that those vagrants also want to have a life which is directional, meaningful and full of content. Only if they do not give up and we can give more supports to them like Cheung Tung Kin did, ‘salted fish also can reborn’. <Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You> is a meaningful topic movie to tell everyone that who believe to God and never give up, even if you are a vagrant also can find the light in the dark. Since there is a ‘second half’ is waiting for them. 
        Another thing that I would like to share is the genre of <Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You>. As I mentioned before, it is gospel inspirational movie produced by local producer. Inspirational movie is easy to find in anywhere, however, gospel inspirational movie is different, and it is in a minority in Hong Kong, even in the world. After all, does gospel inspirational movie accepted by the people in nowadays? This is an interesting thing that I would like to find out.

Hung Wah Wai, Jason (10383235)


  1. A brief textual analysis of a local gospel film with the effort to situate it in a larger social context. The discussion on the hardship faced by homeless people (e.g, alienation and discrimination) is well supported with examples from the film.

    It seems that the director intended to put forward a universal message of courage in the face of adversity throughout the film. You may try to relate the struggles of these homeless people to the “don’t give up” style (e.g., the use of motivational speeches, airings of the Queen song “We Will Rock You”) which truly reflects a kind of “Hong Kong Spirit” shared among all of us.

    1. Thank you Avin, I understand what you said about the spirit of Hong Kong people and it really can relate to this film. Thank you for your advise! Before I watched the movie, i can not imagine those homeless people also have the "Hong Kong Spirit". It really a good film to reflect "Hong Kong Spirit" and it touched me a lot. Have you watch this before? If not, you should watch it :).
