Tuesday 27 April 2010

On Wings of Song - On Wings of Time (Ivana Wong)

Hong Kong is city which incarnated utilitarianism in many aspects of culture in the society, no matter in sense of political or show business. Hong Kong’s idols’ images are usually not very unique, regardless male or female idols, they are typically presented with an attractive appearance, which is normally one of the most effective ways to draw people’s attention. Ivana Wong is different, with no pretty face, she marks an unique image among the contemporary show business culture in Hong Kong.
Ivana’s new album, On Wings of Time, has consistently demonstrated her identical music style which was presented all along her career. Unlike the popular style of music in Hong Kong, Ivana has her own unique music style and does not follow merely the traditional formula of love and romance songs. Love songs are very common in Hong Kong, as we could find most of the popular songs are about love, and more significantly, the songs that people sang the most in karaoke are love songs.
However, Ivana is different, she creates songs that are not all about love, the content could be about friendship, the hardship for being an artist, and etc. In terms of her music style, as mentioned, is unique, songs in the disc like “She threw a match away”, which is a song that sings like old songs from Shanghai, a great different to her usual singing style, and is hard to tell it is Ivana for the first time listening. Another two notable song “About the moon” and “I won’t weep” shares similar style with “She threw a match away”, the three songs are different in melody and lyrics, but is distinguishable that the three songs are made in similar style in melodic aspect intentionally.
Other songs like “Says the moon”, “Big Ben” and “I’m Sorry” are relatively commercial songs when comparing to the remaining songs in the album, talking about love affair, only a bit special when it comes with the lyrics, one like poem and one mentioned not only love but also some attitude towards respectively.
The most remarkable in my opinion is “Mary had a little clock”, the song shares the similar melody with “Big Ben”, but with another set of lyric. In terms of melody, the song had a similar melody with “Big Ben” but with a little different arrangement, the arrangement had made a noticeable change in the atmosphere of the songs, while working along the lyric, the impression of the song is more sad and lonely than “Big Ben”. The lyric is about a tragic story and to challenge the fate through the story.
All songs are written by Ivana herself, and most lyrics are by her too. This is quite different with most of the popular singers in Hong Kong. Though these different are obvious, they could be constructed to satisfy certain people who do not accept the contemporary popular idol market in Hong Kong, which is not minority or less. With there is a market that people will support non-commercial singers, companies will not neglect the chance to make money from those targets. And this is why singer-song writers are becoming more common in Hong Kong’s show business, but even with images to package, the songs should remain with certain quality or massive advertisement before a singer could be popular inside this circle, it is therefore Ivana Wong could still stand around firmly in Hong Kong.

Chan Chung Wai, Joe


  1. It seems that more male students tend to write on music! Now we got the third review on music album, talking about a female singer Ivana. I agree that her image is quite distinctive from other popular female artists, and her voice is so nice! You have quoted many examples to illustrate her “unique” style, while pointing out the “commercial” elements of some songs. I believe this strategy really works, which can attract a group of people seeking alternatives but also love listening to romance songs.

    You may consider talking a bit on Ivana’s background. She looks well-educated and coming from an upper middle class family (don’t know it is true or not). She should be well trained in making music/singing too! All these may contribute to her star persona and may influence her music career.

    One little question, you have mentioned “one like poem and one mentioned not only love but also some attitude towards respectively” …towards what? Did you miss a word there or mean something else? Sorry that I can’t get it…^^”

  2. Joe said:

    To answer your question, I indeed miss a word =0= Thank you for your reminder, I will do a better job in proof-reading next time. The original sentence should be "attitude towards love and life" which the song, 'Big Ben' talks about an attitude that pretending to be stupid in a relationship is better than being clever, because understanding or know too much of a person could make one knows what's the bad of their partner, which turns out to be a crisis in the relationship.

    Talks about Ivana's backgroud, she was born in a family that practice music a lot. Her father and mother are both amateur tenor and soprano, which is a very good enviroment for her to practice music. Also, her family is middle class that could provide her better education, wherea she finished a bachelor degree in Canada.
    And you're very right in guessing her backgroud @v@

    By the way, her voice is really beautiful.

    Argh, I'm really looking forward to next weeks guest seesions, especially for No.6. Their songs are good enough to make people to be "rubberfriend" XD (just a joke, a programme name in CR2)
