Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir! (點解阿Sir係阿Sir) is a Hong Kong local TV drama which is broadcasted on TVB. This is a school comedy programme. The storyline is related to something happening at school, like the past TV drama, Shine On You (青出於藍). Moses Chan, Tavia Yeung, Ron Ng and Linda Chung are the main characters in Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir!. This drama is very popular which attracts many audiences successfully. In the following online review, analysis and discussion will be held on the reasons why this drama can be successful, represent the stereotypical images and reflect some Hong Kong's cultures in this drama.
According to the record from myTV, there were over 800,000 total views. It shows that this drama is very popular in Hong Kong. There are several reasons why this drama is popular in Hong Kong. Firstly, this drama story focuses on secondary school and uses humorous and casual methods to represent its storyline. The settings of the story are familiar with Hong Kong’s audiences which are close to our everyday life. Therefore, audiences can get resonance from the settings, especially the youngsters.
Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir! has only broadcasted for a week. The discussion posts on discuss.com.hk have already over 100 pages that the drama becomes a hot topic on Internet forums. Most of the users on Internet forums are teenagers. This is thus one of the evidence to prove that many young audiences are interested to watch this drama. In addition, this drama is broadcasting at 21:30 which is a prime time. Prime time is the daypart with the most audiences, also with the support from loyalty audiences of TVB, this drama can consequently has high ratings.
On the other hand, this drama involves many stereotypes to describe characters and situations. Take students as an example, the appearances of bad students in this drama wear untidy uniform and female students wear heavy make-up to school. In the script showed that the student behaviors of brand 3 school are bad and unruly. These appearances and behaviors are the overall impressions from the general public.
The other example is gangster. This drama continues using traditional stereotypes of gang and gangster. The setting is dark room and appearances of gangsters in this drama are covered in tattoos and wear many gold ornaments. This drama is full of stereotyped characters. Many people conform to the usual stereotypes of these two examples. The drama also strengthens these impressions.
Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir! is not only a comedy drama, but also brings out many messages and reflection of some Hong Kong’s cultures. In one story plot, there is a student’s parent said that she paid for school fee every mouth, so teacher had the responsibility for ensuring that her daughter was to be taught and disciplined, and it was none of her business to bear the responsibility. It clearly shows that many parents only rely on teachers to teach and discipline their children. This drama wants to tell that parents should spend sufficient time to accompany and care about their children. Also, it is found that the culture of Hong Kong people, which is like to complain, is also represented in this drama.
I think this drama is suitable to broadcast in the prime time. This genre is not very common in TVB dramas. This kind of drama decodes many hidden messages behind the screen. I hope TVB can produce this type of drama more.
By Cho Ka Ian, Christy (10381371)
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