《The Miracle Box》which is shown in 8th April, 2004 and mainly talking about Dr. Tse Yuen Man and her husband Liu Jun Xing love story. Dr. Tse is working and against the SARS epidemic in the front line, unlucky she death at one's post. The film did help to create the noise in the society. This film it represent the video in front of us. It is one of the methods to show.
In this new media era, especially the big changes of the past few years, there are numbers of second hand memories. Some of it is reconstructed by the producer. It may lead to change our memories as well. From the film, we can find out some codes and convention, all of it is make sense for us to watch and understand. For example, when Dr. Tse put on her white overcoat, we must know that she is a doctor.
To me, our roots and routes of cultural identities will change by time to time. Our collective memory which we have experienced and different people will represent in a different way, the point is how we want to represent in front of the others. The collective memory is base on our experience, and our memory is based on our past. Besides, what we choose to remember and tell will depends on different situations.
In 2003, Hong Kong Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome incident would be every one’s memory. We are afraid and fear as we do not know what to do. The thing we can do is putting on our masks. It is a harsh period for every Hong Kong residents even they are not infected the SARS. We may have different point of view or feelings after watch this film. If you are not in Hong Kong at that period of time, the story is not really close to you and not that meaningful to you. However, if yes, you will have deeply feelings on it as it is collective memory of Hong Kong. The merely difference is that how you decode the message from film. There is a comment about this film, they said that the film is really touching and opened their mind. I think most of Hong Kong resident will share the same feelings.
Aside of, the oral history is also a part of this incident, thus there are some hidden history. Different people will have different version, it is not meaning that they are telling lie. Yet, they have chosen to remember or “delete” a part of the memories. Even we discuss this incident in nowadays, it may have something different.
On the other hand, the society and the industry are affecting to each other. <> is very popular movie and totally representing the SARS incident in 2003, not merely the film industry has produce related film, the music industry has also produce some related songs which we can listen from the film. In nowadays, as a producer, the changes of structure, resource and discourse are still limited, it is constructing by all of us

To me, our roots and routes of cultural identities will change by time to time. Our collective memory which we have experienced and different people will represent in a different way, the point is how we want to represent in front of the others. The collective memory is base on our experience, and our memory is based on our past. Besides, what we choose to remember and tell will depends on different situations.
In 2003, Hong Kong Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome incident would be every one’s memory. We are afraid and fear as we do not know what to do. The thing we can do is putting on our masks. It is a harsh period for every Hong Kong residents even they are not infected the SARS. We may have different point of view or feelings after watch this film. If you are not in Hong Kong at that period of time, the story is not really close to you and not that meaningful to you. However, if yes, you will have deeply feelings on it as it is collective memory of Hong Kong. The merely difference is that how you decode the message from film. There is a comment about this film, they said that the film is really touching and opened their mind. I think most of Hong Kong resident will share the same feelings.
Aside of, the oral history is also a part of this incident, thus there are some hidden history. Different people will have different version, it is not meaning that they are telling lie. Yet, they have chosen to remember or “delete” a part of the memories. Even we discuss this incident in nowadays, it may have something different.
On the other hand, the society and the industry are affecting to each other. <

Yeung Ka Yan Ella (10348676)
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