Sunday 2 May 2010

一絲不掛, Eason Chan

Everybody has a favourite singer. I love Eason Chan the most! That’s mainly because of his magnetic voice.

If an artist or a singer has won many awards and topped in the Entertainment Industry, you would presume that his or her music is worth getting excited about. Throw in the additional element of an energetic, middle-aged and talented male, and the record company has a winner on its hands.

Eason Chan’s CDs is one of the few singers that I would actually go and buy. No doubt for watching his concert.

一絲不掛, this song, has carried Eason’s powerful, thick voice as well as hearing the beats of the song. I have also ‘digested’ the lyrics. The songwriter is林夕 which is often being forgotten but a fairly important role as a whole of the music. Song carries meaning, I think that can easily win the audience’s heart, isn’t it?

I have picked a few lines of the song.


As much as I agree what it said, sometimes I feel, there is a situation, which can probably make you feel vulnerable.

Love is supposed to be happy for a couple, but sometimes who knows? What can be a 100% guarantee? Waiting for someone you love without knowing when to come back is torture. In fact, these few lines explain a little bit. When it so happens, what can be done? I am afraid there is only two things which can do, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Falling apart is no doubt painful but it’s always better than keeping to a relationship that is already half dead. Love is mutual, admit it or not.

Sad songs would usually absorb all your tears. You may imagine yourself in the same situation and virtually become one of the characters. The emotion rises and it eventually allows you to have a deeper thought of the song story.

One day we all have to say goodbye to each other, no matter how close you are with that person, we are all individuals and this is universally true. Partly this song expresses to me the fact that sometimes we have to make a cruel decision, for better or worse, who can tell?

Overall the song is fairly outstanding, I think. Hopefully, a few more years he can work even harder to his music in order to gain more listeners.

Written by Sophie Tam Wing Yan

1 comment:

  1. Oh here we’ve got one more fans of Eason! Haha. You have selected a single song for the case study, with some analysis on the lyrics and discussion on your own reception. You may include more quotes and raise more issues (or to illustrate your point with more data) in your review. The point on sad songs deserves closer examination, as they provide a platform for identification and release of emotions.
