The seventh album of FAMA “O’FAMA” has been released in March 2010. It is significant that the inspiration of the name of FAMA’s new album came from the U.S. President, O’BAMA and his election idea- “Yes, We Can Change”.
The one who had heard FAMA’s music before will find that no matter the themes or the lyrics, there is a change in their new album. It is delivering each song with different attitudes: Anger, gratitude, frustration and expectation, Hong Kong's unique culture of self-mockery and nonsense are also included indeed. The first plug song《娛樂圈殺人事件》satires the conditions within the entertainment industry: After the release of【風生水起】, FAMA becomes popular among advertisers. However, they lost their way after the release of【富甲天下】, losing their own ironic characteristics and no acute impact point in their creation. FAMA accompanied the stock market was falling.
The lost of FAMA can still be seen in “O’FAMA”, but they have found out the fundamental reason of the success of their group. Recorded as the FAMA's seventh album, this album does not inject too many new elements, it just told stories of bygone topics. FAMA transferred those songs which were relatively successful to “O’FAMA”. Followed《學海無涯》 is 《Old School Days》; after 《日出而作》is 《眠眠》; 《歡天喜地》is followed by《Dream Girl》. It is no doubt that this method of producing album is a guarantee of safety and they can continue to serve as the role of mouthpiece of the different social sectors. Simultaneously, the formula-driven and repetitive sense will be aroused among the consumers.
In my opinion, many Hong Kong people are in sympathy with 《眠眠》, it brings out the living conditions of Hong Kong people, everyone is lack of sleep. FAMA is always good at laughing at the irony. However, it can be seen that《Old School Days》wants to resonate student group, it is not as exquisite as 《學海無涯》and the pile of the lyrics is scattered. The listener is hard to have sympathy and it is not insightful enough. 《信不信由你》is more stuck to the current affairs, I think its concept came from the prevention of sexual harassment ad of「將件事話比你信任既人聽」, FAMA inspirited by the ad, made a dig at the integrity of teachers and police in the contemporary society, and hoped that the listeners can have a deeper reflection through the expression of the lyrics.
Honestly speaking, “O’FAMA” does not inject too many new elements, I think they can only partly achieve their goal “Yes, We Can Change”, compares with their competitors, LMF’s 【揸緊中指】and 24Herbs’s【罪與罰】, FAMA is out of the anger of traditional Hip Hop groups indeed, however, they satirized current affairs with relaxing style made them popular.
Chan Wun Ga, Melody (10320647)
The review has a sound structure with clearly stated arguments. It’s a good approach to relate FAMA’s music to other social phenomenon and popular media, with a discussion on both public perception (and expectation as well) and personal comments. In the last paragraph, you mentioned about the “relaxing style” (humorous and funny) adopted by FAMA, perhaps you may comment on this strategy and examine its popularity among Hong Kong youth.